This vehicle was purchased from The City Of New York, epartment of General Services. The vehicle has a clear Indiana title as a Cushman Truckster, nd plated as a motorcycle, Known as cop in the box by New York City Police Officer’s.) The Motor Hours 1974, ileage 16354, 2 miles since renovation. Vehicle has been very popular at the few Car Shows where it has been displayed.
All external parts have been removed and restored to the original colors and lettered NYPD design. All parts reinstalled with stainless steel fasteners. New exhaust system, attery, lternator, ear windows, ires, ocks, ights, iren. The interior is partially restored. All fluids have been drained and replaced, ith new filters. All parts removed have been saved. Parts and Service Manuals included.
To view the scope of the restoration go to:, rom home page right side, elect Vehicles, elect 1993 Cushman, elect See More Pictures.