No exaggeration...this bike draws a crowd wherever I ride it. People hear it coming then they ask what it is. I get lots of compliments on it. This is a 2007 Suzuki VL800 that has been customized. Not only does it look and sound cool, ou can actually ride it and be comfortable. Though it looks like a hard tail, t actually has rear suspension that has been lowered (the front can easily be lowered as well, ut itlooks and rides great as it is now). The bike has 66,000 miles, ut the engine has been changed out. Original motor had a strange noise.Igotadifferent motor and had local motorcycledealer go through it and rebuild the top end before installing it. It runs great. This is a water-cooled engine that is not hot to ride and has no issues with overheating. It has larger,expensive Michelin tires with great tread. The rear tire could even be replaced with a wider tire. The headlight and tail light have been changed out. It has super bike handlebars now. Grips are new. Custom made exhaust with no baffles...Loud!!! Original fenders have been removed and it has a new steel fender welded in back. Both the custom exhaust and fender were done by a hot rod shop.It has aspring supported leather seat. Bike is painted matte black. Front forks has seal savers on them to keep the black look. Review pictures closely and bid with confidence.