I bought this bike a few years ago and was complete at the time. It was driven by a lady most of its life. It was stored in a garage and was not rusted up but the engine did seize from sitting. The engine does not turn and I do not know if it is the top end or bottom but would assume only the top. You get everything you see in the pictures. Please look close as there are quite a few parts. Most of the parts look to be in real good condition. The side panels are very straight and show very well. The exhaust pipes are not original, s well as the seat. The motor number is CB77E-1056370. Frame #CB77-1056227. I do not have a title to the bike and can supply a bill of sale from me if you like. I am not sure of the exact year you will have to look it through the vin on a website. I will assist in shipping. I can have it shipped to Southern California for $150.00 to your door. If you would like a quote to other locations please ask.