This vehicle will be sold AS IS – WHERE IS
This auction is for a 2003 Chevrolet G3500 VAN. VIN is 1GCHG35U731192334. 6.0L V8. This vehicle was started at the time of listing. Mileage is 54854. Fair condition. Dash is cracked.
This vehicle must be removed 7 days after auction ends. This vehicle will be sold AS IS- WHERE IS.
The condition of each is described to the best of our ability. Unless the auction description states differently, hese items are sold "AS-IS" and "WHERE IS". Please understand that our warehouse does not have the equipment, acilities, r time to fully test every option listed. We supply all available Make/Model information for you to review and research. Please do your own research prior to bidding. Ask any questions that may affect your bid. By bidding on this equipment you release the seller and any of their associates from any liability resulting from misuse or damages caused by misuse of this equipment. We reserve the right to refuse sale or service for any reason. We will not ship. Any shipping costs or arrangements for transport are the buyer’s responsibility.
Payment is due within 7 days of the closing of the auction. Otherwise, e reserve the right to re-post or re-sell this. Payment upon pick up.
All items sold are AS IS – WHERE IS. Any statements or answers to questions, o not in any way imply warranty of any type.
Wednesday pick up not available.
Valid U.S. Driver’s License required
Business Hours Monday, uesday, hursday, riday. 8am-3:00pm Central Time
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Closed Monday Jan. 18, 016