Corvette 69, onvertible, in: 194679S706936, onaco Orange, lack interior, 8000, 50/350, speed,
New cushion, ew vinyl seat, ew rug, ew dash top, ew seat back, ew hand brake console, ew vacuum hose and relays (what a job), he car starts right away and runs smooth, o overheating, echanic is all original, ven has the complete working smog pump and heat riser (yes it’s still there), ll lights, orn, ignals works fine, ead light and wiper door works fine, ot a show car, ut one that can be driven daily, strong head turning car.
On the photos, 've tried to show the flaws of the body, he car is in great shape, ook at the joint on every openings, oors, ood, op-up lights etc, t's strait as an arrow, ut to be geater, paint job would be the next thing to do. (it took me over 3 hours to put the photos, ould have put more, ut the software refused.....) I can send you more if you ask for it, ut on an email.
I have had the car for over 3 years, ept it in a nice heated garage, nbsp;I’ve never driven it on the road! Thought it would be fun, ut I’m getting older (73) and I lost the ‘’sacred fire’’ and my ‘’back hurts’’, lus my wife won’t be seen in such a car, o it has to go…..
The car is from the USA originaly.
The car is for sale localy, o the auction may end sooner