The wheels are the Gold N90 Factory original wheels in the one photo. This car was bought brand new by my roommate. We drove it 9 months and 18000 miles and Randy stripped it down to nothing and had a chassis shop put in the cage and weld up the uni-body seams. I drive these things. Most my cars need paint. This looks OK as long as you do not look to close. I also have a sweet 1982 Z28 for sale on eBay also. I have videos up at my YouTube Channel. JoDaviess Corruption My political, news and bible teaching site. I was on FaceBook but got banned for truthful content on local government corruption,bank fraud. The videos are 1984 Z28 Video 1, 1984 Z28 Video 2, 1984 Z28 Video 3. There are a few dozen videos on my channel so you may have to find them on my YouTube Channel. I am retired and have too much stuff and a daughter who could give a hoot because they have manual transmissions and she is lazy.