1969 Mustang tube chassis Drag car
Rolling chassis, et up for BBF & Power glide, quire Tube frame, oll cage can be certified for 7:50's, how winning Violet Ice Pearl over Hot Tangerine paint, eden bear command center, SD 7AL-2 ignition, ord 9 inch 4:11 Gears, oser Axel's, pool, ilwood 4 wheel disc brakes, urst quarter stick, ir shift, inkage throttle stop, uto meter gauges, ptima Batteries, oosier 32.0 / 14.5 w-15 rear slicks and Hoosier 25.0 x 4.5 5-15 front's mounted on weld Racing wheels, 800 Lbs. with driver, O Title Off road use only. Lost job must go, all 402-306-4608. if you havequestions, ust add your motor & transmission this weekend and go Racing I DO NOT NEED HELP SELLING! Serious inquirers only.