Looking for a clean, well-cared for 2010 Ford F-150? This is it. -- 66K MILES -- CREW CAB -- XLT POWER OPTIONS... This vehicle has extremely low miles on the odometer, so while it's pre-owned, it's practically new. This pre-owned Ford F-150 looks like new with a clean interior that's been well-kept. Fast, yet nimble, this highly refined automobile will turn heads wherever you go, provided of course, they even see you. The Ford F-150 XLT -- 66K MILES is in a class on its own. So much so, that Ford didn't miss a beat when they loaded this vehicle with an abundance of a-la-carte options. When you see this car in person, you'll ask yourself When did WOW become a color of paint? Stand out from the crowd as a 2010 Ford F-150 XLT -- 66K MILES is a rare find and just may attract paparazzi. We are proud to offer this 2010 Ford that truly a must-have. This vehicle's wheels are one of the many attractive features that this F-150 XLT -- 66K MILES has to offer. More information about the 2010 Ford F-150: Named Motor Trend's 2009 Truck of the Year, the F-150 is Ford's long-time best-selling workhorse. It features a rugged exterior that is highlighted by a dramatic 6-bar grille and a spacious, flexible and refined interior. The 2010 F-150s feature a fully-boxed frame constructed with high-strength steel side rails for increased durability and safety. While the new F-150 is more capable, more passenger-friendly and safer than ever, it is still offered in one of the widest equipment ranges of any vehicle. The 2010 Super Crew, for example, has up to 57.6 total cubic feet of space behind the front seats and can accommodate items up to 47.9 inches tall, like a flat-screen TV. In an effort to appeal to a wide truck buying audience, the F-150 spans one of the widest price ranges of any vehicle, from the low $20,000 range for the base XL to more than $50,000 for a loaded Platinum trim. Two-wheel drive trims with a standard 4.6L two-valve V-8 engine are rated a fuel economy of 15 mpg city and 21 mpg hwy. The 4x4 trims with the same base engine have a fuel economy of 14 mpg city and 19 mpghwy. MSRP for the base XL starts at $21,380. Strengths of this model include comfort and refinement, hauling and towing capability, interior versatility, high marks in crash tests, luxury and designer styles available, A legendary name of a legendary workhorse, and the power of a V8 engine