Hey Thanks for checking out my truck . 1990 Ford F150 4x4 Manual locking hubs Auto trans 302 H. O. Factory roller cam motor. Bought this for a summer project but i am losing storage space soon . so its gotta go The truck does not run due to bad fuel pump and the front accessories removed from motor plan was to pull and rebuild motor and make a weekend play toy ! But now i am losing storage space to keep it . Body solid no rust holes . drive train all there and works. great parts or fixxer upper toy whatever . SO MOTOR IS STILL IN IT . FRONT ACCESSORIES BRACKETS AND STUFF IS UNBOLTED BUT STILL THERE JUST LOOSE IN BOX . LAST CHANCE BOTTOM LINE PRICE $600. 00PLEASE DO NOT BID UNLESS YOU PLAN TO BUY . ALREADY HAVE HAD IDIOT BID NOT PAY AND NOW I HAVE TO EAT FEE'S FOR LISTING. THANKS . SIMO-HUTS On Mar-14-15 at 16:28:55 PDT. seller added the following information:OK. Wow did Craig list close down!!!!. Let me go threw some questions i have had on this one !!!1. No you can not fly in and drive it home to Tennesee !!!?? ( Fuel pumps are bad as i stated ?? Duh !!)2. How is the overall condition of systems ( Its a 1990 YES its gonna need to be looked over and systems . and fluids flushed and changed ) 3. Does it run ok or need a tune up ? . (Really ! The truck does not run due to bad fuel pump . started it off ether to make sure it ran )4. Does the transmission shift ok . (Oh Boy ?! The truck does not run due to bad fuel pump . started it off ether to make sure it ran )5. How is the front end steering . ( Great stuff. Steered great off the trailer into parking spot 2 ft behind trailer. lol )As i stated before . bought this as a project . doesn't run . have not driven . know very little about it .