I have had this Jeep for a while. It is very reliable and I enjoy driving it. I am always on the go so I just don't use it. I have kept this jeep in my garage the whole time I have had it. I recently bought another truck and put this jeep in a storage building. The guy that owned this jeepbefore me put anewer 4.0258 engineand 4 speed transmission init. I have had several jeeps and this set up is the best I have had. You get the great CJ7 with the newer powertrain.The onlything wrong mechanical is reverse pops out of gear somewhen you back up.I would put a new hood onit andI took off the fender flares so there are some bolt holes in the fenders from that. I just don't like the fender flares. The lift is the spring over axle lift and the tires are like new. The tires only have about 2000 miles on them. The tires are ground hawgs and aren't made anymore.I hate to sellit but I just don't make the time to drive it. Please let me know if you have any questions.