1984 Maserati Quattroporte VIN: ZAMBC1104EA304336 Mileage: 44. 58 Make: Maserati Model: Quattroporte Class: full-size luxury / luxury car Body style: sedan Doors: 4 Traction: RWD (rear-wheel drive) Engine manufacturer: Maserati Engine type: spark-ignition 4-stroke Fuel type: petrol (gasoline) Fuel system: 4 carburetors Charge system: naturally aspirated Valves per cylinder: 2 Valves timing: Additional features: Weber DOHC Emission control: cat Emission standard: Cylinders alignment: V 8 Displacement: 4931 cm3 / 301. 1 cui Horsepower net: 215 kW / 292 PS / 288 hp (SAE net) Torque net: 418 Nm / 308 ft-lb Horsepower gross: Torque gross: Car power to weight ratio net: 108 watt/kg / 49 watt/lb Car weight to power ratio net: 9. 3 kg/kW / 6. 8 kg/PS / 15. 2 lbs/hp Gearbox: Borg Warner Transmission type: automatic Number of gears: 3 PI Motorsports. Inc. Owned and operated by DeTomaso Enthusiasts since 1996 1040 North Batavia. Suite GOrange. California 92867Telephone: 714-744-1398Fax: 714-744-1397 PI Motorsports. Inc. Owned and operated by DeTomaso Enthusiasts since 1996 1040 North Batavia. Suite GOrange. California 92867 Telephone: 714-744-1398Fax: 714-744-1397