This truck has been rebuilt from the ground up. Included in the restoration:
FRAME: Stripped of all parts and sand blasted. The frame was boxed with a ¼ “ plate, ront to rear, nd was sent to be powder black.
REAR AXLE: Sand blasted and painted flat black. A new pinion seal, heel bearings and grease seals installed. The rear brakes have new wheel cylinders, rake shoes, pring kits, rake drums and emergency brake cables.
REAR SUSPENSION: Re-built with re-arched springs, ew center bolts, -bolts, hackles, reather hose and finished off with new shock absorbers.
FRONT SUSPENSION: Was also completely disassembled and rebuilt. New parts include the pitman arm, dler arm, enter link bar, nner and outer tie rod ends and adjusting sleeves, pper and lower ball joints, way bar bushings and end link hardware, pper and lower control arm bushings, heel bearings, rease seals, ront shocks, rake hoses, alipers, otors, nd brake pads. Lastly a new AGR power steering box was installed.
ENGINE: Was sent to a machine shop where the block was cooked, ime bored, ero checked and bored .030 over standard. The crankshaft checked out good and the journals were polished. New pistons, ain rod and cam bearings installed. On the top end a new cam shaft, art heads, ifters, /8 in pushrods, oller rockers were installed and topped off with Dart valve covers and Dart intake manifold. All of this yielded a 9.8 to 1 compression ratio.
ADDITIONAL ENGINE COMPONENTS: Include a new MSD E-Curve distributor, ith ceramic spark plug wires, ll new parts: Holley 770 CPM Street Avenger carburetor, ower steering pump, an clutch, ater pump, ater hoses and serpentine belt. The air conditioning and cooling systems were upgraded with a 134a retro fit kit, ew accumulator. Replaced radiator with aluminum high flow.
TRNSMISSION: Is a rebuilt GM 700R-4 with all new clutches, wide Kevlar band, orvette servo, hift kit and 2500 rpm stall torque converter.
EXHAUST: Is handled with stock cast iron manifolds that have been ported, olished and ceramic coated. Stainless steel pipe was used front to back with catalytic converters, ufflers and 5” stainless tips on the end to finish it off.
PAINT AND BODY: Removed all body parts from frame.
BUMPERS AND BRACKETS: Were media blasted, tch primered, hen painted gloss black.
FRONT CLIP< CORE SUPPORT AND INNER FENDERS: Were media blasted, tch primered and painted black. The inner fenders were raptured black also. I purchased new GM front fenders. They were sealed and edged in gloss black. Hood media blasted, tch primered, ealed and the bottom painted and edges in gloss black.
CAB: Doors were removed and dismantled. Windshield and back glass were removed. Outside of cab and doors were media blasted, tch primered and jammed gloss black. Door handles were shaved, ith electric door poppers installed. Doors were etch primered, ealed and jammed gloss black.
BOX: Was media blasted, tch primered, as cap door removed. The tailgate handle was shaved. Box and tailgate were sealed. A box liner was sprayed in the box.
FRAME PREP FOR ASSEMBLY: A new gas tank with a new fuel pump and sending unit was installed. All new gas lines, rake lines, mergency brake cables were installed. New cab and core support bushings installed. Cab and front clip re-assembled on frame.
PAINT JOB: Truck and box was completely painted, ox was then put back on frame.
CAB AND DOORS: Had all new glass installed, ncluding a power rear window.
WHEELS AND TIRES: A set of 2013 Camaro wheels and Hancock tires installed.
Please call Richard Blomquist at White Glove Auto for further information, t 608-780-8229 with any questions. appointments only