This is a fine replica. I have had 20 replicas andnothing comes close so far. Itsbest that onedoesn't take ones self too seriously in this car. In one run around town the cops hollered at me to please chat a bit, a beautiful 20 something on a bicycle gave me such a smile, I got a dozen smiles from the ladies, it really strikes a beautiful portrait of what a motor vehicle could be. Now I don't ride around withgoggles and scarf but that would top it off fine. The replica is in fine running order and the previous owner said you could take off cross country if one pleased. I did run it up on the freeway and it was a bit unnerving, we hit 55mph just fine. My partner has been running it around town just as happy as a lark.The oil pressure looks great and the temp gauge is nothappening. It has a few needs. I picked up another strapping accomplice and the tires rubbed on the fenders over bumps.Somefirmer shocks are in order ifyou're planning on riding around with a big lug next to you.This car was just a joy to run around in. I have had many vehicles and the one requirement is you smile the whole time in this. There is no reason not to be happy in this fun and exciting motorcar.