Dodge Neon converted to electricSummary: this is a great conversion for those who would love to own but cannot afford to purchase a commercial electric car. and are willing to replace the batteries in the battery pack. Please note that it takes some amount of electrical knowledge to perform this replacement. or to upgrade the battery pack to Lithium Ion. This car has currently a few miles of range on a full charge due to the lead-acid batteries aging. The estimated effective range of this car will be between 3 and 4 times the actual capacity of the battery pack in kilowatt-hour. Charging the half-depleted pack will take approximately 7 hours in the low current mode. and 3 hour in the high current mode. Background: I converted the original 2000 Dodge Neon in 2009 to full electric. using lead-acid sealed batteries and a DC motor. The 144 volt battery pack is composed of 12 batteries of 120 ampere-hour. and the 80 horse power (peak) FB1 144 DC motor is driven by a Curtis 1231C controller. The conversion was completed. inspected and registered as road legal in 2010 (the current license plate reads AMPERE). A very detailed technical description can be found at the following Web site: http://www. evalbum. com/preview. php?vid=1823 The Washington Post heard about my conversion and I was interviewed by John Kelly. A video of the driving demo can be found at: http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/24/AR2009082403100. html The car is currently registered in Maryland. insured and drivable for a short distance (due to the batteries condition) - The original NEON 2000 donor car had 123. 33 miles and was in a very good shape: no rust. minimal dents. and kept in my garage all the time since I owned it. I drove the electric Neon for 1. 50 miles. I used it for three years. until I purchased a Nissan Leaf. - The four tires are in good shape (more than 50% of their life). and the original spare tire is provided. - Brakes and shocks are in excellent condition. - The four suspension springs have been replaced by new. heavier duty springs to take into account the battery weight increase. The conversion is very clean; the design is simple and really reliable (I am a retired electrical engineer with helicopter autopilots and avionics background. and I know how to modify about anything that moves). Special Accessories: - An electric brake vacuum pump provides braking assistance- An electric hydraulic power steering pump provides steering assistance and can be swithed off to conserve power- A manually switchable high quality 4 kW electric heater uses the original car heating fans and ducts. No air conditioning is provided: this is common for conversions. where room and energy are at a premium. Additional Notes: The asking price includes all the documentation (mechanical. electrical) I prepared for the conversion. The documentation I provide also includes the mechanical design drawings for a 160 Ah Lithium Ion battery pack upgrade. which I calculated would provide a range of nearly 80 miles. with a more than 10-year battery lifetime. I will also provide a complete PDF electronic copy of the NEON shop service manual. I will also include miscellaneous electrical spare parts. and technical consultancy for up to 40 hours. provided by telephone and Internet. As a reference. the cost of the conversion. including all the labor and costs associated with the certification but not including my time. is more than $16. 00. The price of all the parts procured for the conversion is $12. 50. I can provide a detailed breakdown of all these costs.