SOLD AS ISThis bike was new and was delivered from the factory with 40 miles on it 5 years ago. It has been in storage in florida for 5 years and NEVER DRIVEN . as I didnt get my bike license and probably wont. There was fuel and oil in it and needs to be cleaned out. Battery is dead. Many parts are rusty and not sure what will work or not. So I am selling as is. ps: My mechanic looked at it and said it could be fixed for around 500$ to get it driving. (clean oil and fuel. new battery etc) but this is not a guarantee and this bike is only for sale AS IS. I paid $ 27. 00 usd at the acm factory and they custom built it for me but I never drove it. I believe the rust can be sanded. painted and entire bike fixed up for around 3. 00$. but thats just my guess. I will ship it free to anywhere in the USA. included in buy it now price. if you know how to fix bikes this is a helluva deal!!!SOLD AS IS