Absolutely beautiful bike! This bike turns heads and receives compliments no matter where it's at. The bike is Bright Orange and displays tons of chrome and billet that gives this ride a one-of-a-kind look. I purchased this bike in 2009 as a second owner with 2. 00 miles. The bike currently has roughly 8. 00 miles. This bike sounds amazing! Comes with a 111ci Super Sidewinder Engine breathing through a S&S Super G carb. The bike also features a constant mesh 6-speed Right Side Drive transmission. I replaced the tires not so long ago with new Metzlers that still have probably 90% tread still left. I also put a new battery with more CCA less than a month ago. Upgrades include a S&S teardrop intake for optimum breathing and Vance&Hines Big Radius Pipes. I also installed a Dakota Digital MCV-7200 Instrument speedometer/tachometer new at 5000mi. This provides you the security of knowing that your speedometer will not fail as the original speedos are notorious for. Instead of spending anywhere from $3-500 dollars on rebuilt ones. I just decided to spend the money and get a nice quality product. This speedo will tell you way more than what I needed as it will give performance data such as 0-60 and 1/4 mile times. With the bike. I will be giving away a black chopper cover. two chrome oil filters. nbsp;1 qt. Spectro Transmission oil. front tire (with minimal wear as I changed both out at the same time). old Iron Horse air cleaner and old speedometer than can be rebuilt/repaired and resold if you choose. I also have other misc. items too like manuals that I will no longer need as well. This bike is in excellent shape as I have taken meticulous care of it for the last 6 years. It has always been stored in my garage and during the winter months it is stored on a lift to prevent flat spots. It has never ridden in the rain. I give you my word as I have never abused or "hot rodded" this bike because this one has always been my baby. Because bikes are made to be ridden and not stored. the bike will show some minimal signs of road wear with small scratches and chips of paint on the lower frame due to riding it on the street. You won't be able to see them unless you are looking for it on the ground and I tell you where they are as I clean the bike regularly and I'm very particular about my bikes. There are absolutely no leaks and the bike is mechanically sound. I just changed the fluids less than 100 miles ago with Mobil 1 20W50 Synthetic and Spectro Primary drive and transmission fluids. This bike is ready to ride!!