I bought this bike 2 years ago from the original owner. It has normal wear and tear. The first owner had laid it done once. the only places you can see it are on one of the signal lights and a place on the gas tank where I am guessing the throttle cables had chipped the paint. There is a spot on the rear fender where he said he hit it with his RZR. I love this bike but am having to sell it because I dont need to ride it any more because of a neck injury. The up grades on the bike were on it when I bought it : dual Mikuni HSR45 carbs. and Paul Yaffe Crack Pipes. I am starting the bidding low because of the paint damage. and I need to sell it. KBB says the selling price is around $10000. 00. and trade in about $7000. 00. Please ask all questions before bidding. and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Only serious buyers only. and local pick up only.