The original owner bought this bike to ride, nd ride he did. This bike has around 36,000 miles on it. I've had the bike for like 6 years and only put on about 50 miles on it. The bike was repainted with tribal flames by the original owner before I purchased it after he slipped in the rain and scratched up the gas take, ut I have the original. The paint jobs nice and gets allot of complements and looks, ut has small imperfections throughout. Around the left gas cap is about a one inch air bubble thats developed under the paint. Also the upper part of the rocker housing has a little of the chrome peeling or flaking. Which means it just needs some minor cosmetic work here and there if your a perfectionist. I don't want to sell the bike but want to at the same time, onfusing I know...Please feel free to email me any questions you might have............The title shows that this bike ran over 28,000 when new.