This bike is nearly showroom condition. And is the nicest riding bike on the road. it's the 2nd one I've had. Only 172 miles. yes. only 172 miles. It is immaculate as a bike should be with less than 200 miles on it. I bought the bike and it had 106 miles on it and have had it for six months but because of work and travel. I have no time to ride it and it breaks my heart seeing it every time I pull in the garage. The bike has navigation. cd. stereo ports. comm ports. heated seats. heated hand grips. reverse. hydraulic center stand and the windscreen that goes from about 90 degrees to about 35 degrees - this. by far. is the best feature of the bike. For those of you with questions about care and maintenance. I can only say that I am the 2nd owner of this bike. I've ridden it. if only about 60 miles. and the tires are fine. the oil was changed and it was dealer maintained in Columbus. OH by the original owner. I will try to find the information the owner gave me and post it on here. as well. I can appreciate that a bike this age with nearly no miles on it is like a unicorn but. unlike unicorns. it exists and I have it. If you have concerns about it. I will be happy to get it to the BMW motorcycle dealer in Tampa and get it checked out after you put a deposit on it. If there's anything wrong with it. you can cancel the sale and I'll refund the deposit.