This is a great bike. I bought it in 2002. and have used it to satisfy my riding itch on nice days. It's very dependable. and is easy to work on. when needed. The motor runs strong and the transmission and rear drive are solid. It doesn't have any fluid leaks. It has 88. 5k miles on it. and no mechanical issues. everything works as it should. including the clock. It hasn't been brought out of storage. I ride it regularly and keep up with maintenance. like changing the brake fluid every spring. This is the original paint. It has a Parabellum tall wind screen. Denfeld seat that is very comfortable. and Ikon shocks that are adjustable for rebound and preload. The battery is a year old. The rear tire is 95% and the front one will need to be replaced before riding in the rain. It has the original tool kit. I have the original BMW hard cases that are keyed to the ignition. but the mounts are missing. The cases are in decent shape. with a few cracks and one corner repair. It also comes with some new BMW spares. A carburetor diaphragm. rear brake pads. and a brush holder for the Valeo starter. I've heard they are prone to breaking. but I've never had any trouble with it. The previous owner dropped it in a parking lot. and scuffed the right mirror and front fender. I put a small dent in the right side of the tank when I was torquing the fork caps after replacing the seals and oil. I've tried to take pictures of everything so there will be no surprises when you see it in person. I'll probably regret letting this one go. but I've got my eye on a newer one. and don't have room for it. $500 non-refundable deposit via PayPal due within 24 hours of the auction close. Balance within 7 days must be cash. or cashiers check. Local pickup only.