I am selling this bike for a friend of mine and this bike is cosmetically and mechanically excellentshape! He is the second owner of the bike and it has been always been kept inside a garage. Some of the things that the bike has are, eated seats, eated grips, lectric adjustable windshield, PS, irius AM/FM MP3 stereo, ear taillight ontour pack, C, lear plastic film on all painted surfaces to protect the paint, ewMichelin tires and alsothe 6k service was done in April 2015. The factory warranty is good until September 2015 and all paperwork, anuals, ill be given to the buyer when purchased. The bike will be pick up only, nless the buyer is willing to pay shipping fees! Any other questions you may e-mail me and I will be glad to answer them.You won't be disappointed with this very fast, omfortable touring bike!! Thanks for Looking and Happy Bidding!!