This bike started life as a perfectly running R 90/6 in 2 owner good condition. PLEASE PLEASE read the description it is a clone. saying that it is probably as nice or better looking than most 90S's out there. It runs and rides like a 1976 bike should. I did list it before and sold it to a person who didn't read English well. in the last listing I did list some problems with the Rev counter. nbsp;Speed o and dash lights. i spent $300 and got the clocks fixed and the only thing not working is the dash traffic signal indicator. Take close look at the paint work. it's amazing. the BMW on the tank and seat is air brushed on also the 90 s. New tires. pet cock rebuilds and anything else that needed to done has been addressed. This is a head turner and I am sorry to sell it but my collection is all Moto Guzzi's and I have my eye on a MK 1 Le Mans.