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Call Curtis for questions at 903-454-4440 or 903-513-7649 during non business hours.
Buy from Louis Powersports, he largest Can-Am Spyder dealer by volume in the world. We have between 75 - 100 Spyders in stock at all times Visit Louispowersports.com for additional information on all of our vehicles. Free Assembly and PDI inspection. Texas residence are responsible for sales tax and state fees. Please call to check current inventory before committing to buy. A deposit of 500 dollars is required to hold any particular unit. DescriptionThe cruising riding position of the Spyder F3-S – customized just for you with the new UFit System – enables you to sit back and confidently take in the scenery...or the stares from onlookers. They'll look extra long at the machined deep black high gloss front wheels, ed accents and added fender lighting. And with its Rotax 1330 ACE engine, -frame design and seven automotive technologies, ou can count on a thrilling and confident ride.