If you love attention as you are driving down the road then this is the bike for you. If your ears are sensitive to noise then i don't recomend this bike for you as it sets off alarms driving down the road with the loud pipes on this bike. This is a fast bike and will catch the eye of anyone as you are driving down the road. No issues with the title I have the title in hand and will mail to you. This bike does have the starting of replicating the Marlboro Man bike but not quite there. Paypal is required for deposit and payment or cash in hand on pickup.I am the second owner bought it from a custom chopper shop in Santee California. World Famous former west coast chopper painter Pete "Hot Dog" Finlan painted the tribal design on the gas tank.5 speed delkron transmission 6 over front end stainless steel spoke rev tech 21" front end 180 18" wheel on the rear avon tire 96 cubic inch S&S motor