This bike was professionally built with no expense being spared. It has a custom softail frame with serial number. Motor is an S&S KN 93. It is a 93" Knucklehead motor. $9500 alone. It has the S&S Super carberator setup. It is electric and kick start. It has a five speed rev tech transmission. Also has a 3" open BDL primary. Custom oil tank. Custom wrapped 2 into 1 fishtail exhaust. Custom solo spring saddle seat.Custom rear fender. Custom flame paint. All front end components drive controls gas tank bars etc. are Harley Davidson. The front suspension and fender are Harley Crossbones. This bike has 2500 miles. Looks runs rides excellent. Bike has plenty of torque. No problems. 200mm rear tire. Lots of chrome. You will not find another bike like this. It is truly one of a kind. Only trade considered would be a low mileage street glide. Thanks for looking. Ride safe.