Custom Prostreet ASPT Prostreet 300 softtailEngine- TP Engineering 124 pro vent rockerCarb- 47MM MikuniExhaust- Arlen NessControls- Joker MachineLower controls have 3" extension and can be adjusted back. Trans- Baker 6 speed right side drive. Rear wheel is 300 on 18" rimFront wheel is 21". newer tires on both. Avon VenomCustom paint changes color from green to blue with directionThis bike fires instantly and runs perfect!! Lots of power and reliability. Will ride countless miles and never need wrenching. The bike has a ridiculous amount of torque. It is also set up for single rider with current exhaust. Rear fender is high grade and will not bend. Don't even care if your ole lady is fat. the fender will hold if you want to add the suction seat and pegs. Will sell outright or trade for air boat.