Bike Night winner the first night it was taken out. This bike took me 3 years to build and I finished it right before I moved to Charleston SC. It has less than 100 miles on it. This bike has had a post build inspection by Jason's Garage in Mt Pleasant along with being professionally tuned. Ultima soft tail frame with a Harley Davidson soft tail swing armUltima 100ci evo engine Ultima 6 speed transmissionS&S Carb with stealth S&S air cleaner rims are 18in x 180 tire back and 22in front. The tank is an old school Indian Larry shaped design with a custom paint job I created. a dark pearl paint that shows the pattern only when the light hits it a certain way. the back fender was a fender for a 240+ tire and I took it and cut it and shaped it to fit the back. Frame. rims. triple trees. pipes are all power coated. nbsp;everything else is painted. The engine has been painted also before we assembled it. Drag Pipes wrappedSolid Brass pegs. grips. risersI could go into more details but I think this should do for now. Any questions. just shoot them my way and I'll try and answer as best as possible. I built this amazing bike from the ground up. Buying a home and getting married. you know what that means.