This is a hand built entirely all steel all dom tubing bare metal with clearcoat chopper. This bike is brand new everything. It is only a few bucks from finishing. The only reason i am selling it is because i lost my business. Only a few parts left to go after 3yrs and over 500 hours of hand building. It has a 127 ultima 140 horse motor with a 6 speed right side drive transmission and a 3. 5 inch belt drive. The frame was professionally built in a jig and is 10up 4 out 40 degree rake with a Pearsons custom 16 over springer front end forks with 1. 5 inch dom tubing in back and 1. 25 inch tubing in front. Brand new everything. The oil tank is pure copper mostly made from a pipe from Alaska. All copper oil lines. Custom wyatt altered gas tank. The entire frame was tig welded then tig welded again with silicon rod to give it a copper gold look. 500 hours with a grinder cutoff wheel welders and drill press. No plasma or lasers other than the led tail light. Brass and chrome spikes galore. There is over 30k just in the build. The savage wheels were almost 4k by themselves. All hidden wiring mostly and breakers. All done right. 330 rear tire and wheel and a 21 in front 120 tire. Everything is done except the handlebars and some of the hydraulic and brake lines. It has a hydraulic clutch and brakes. I have very nice and expensive hand grips and controls. It has an air bag seat and leather tooled seat. This bike is a beast and the frame is 1. 5 dom tubing or bigger.