This bike would be a great bike for a show (Sturgis/Daytona) or to represent a custom bike shop with just a little more work and paint! I've had the bike for years and only put 700 miles on it. Its shaft driven; so the shaft had to be moved out and lengthened. It has a $1000 air shock and compressor. It has rear pegs for the ladies (but someone stole the suction seat). It would be great for someone that is shorter because it sits so low. That being said. this bike is not for a beginner. I get tons of looks and thumbs up along with lots of questions. I've NEVER seen another bike like it! I was told the engine had work done to it and the pipes sound great! I'm going to try and add the video to show it starting. going in gear and air shock. Only problem I ever had was the chain break. The bike is sold as is. No warranties. No returns. Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code