This is an incredible bike. I bought it working but with a suspension issue. I bought the OEM suspension replacement and new fairings but never got around to getting the work done. Now I have kids and I am married and it is not going to happen. Local pickup (Jessup). Bike was fully winterized and I will not have time to set it up for the season so plan on bringing a trailer to pick it up. Tank is drained. battery was pulled etc. There is some rust around the coolant fittings. Sold totally as is and I am willing to take the hit on price. I am going to attempt to get it started this week but either way it must go so don't count on that. If you don't have a way to pick up the bike please don't bid. I will not be lending plates or providing a place to tinker. On Apr-07-15 at 14:31:52 PDT. seller added the following information:Checked today. the battery which was not stored in the bike is bad. It will not be included with the bike. Added a receipt I found with the most recent 6k maintenance and the fairings. Just to be totally clear. the bike was never laid down. crashed. wrecked or salvaged. The replacement fairings were for ascetics.