I am the second owner of this bike. I purchased it in April 2004. It had about 3000 miles at that time. The bike has always been stored indoors in a temperature controlled facility. It is in very good condition and has always been maintained according the the factory schedule by myself. There are over $ 4000 worth of upgrades and extras included with the bike. Too many to list. They are all listed on one of the photos. Contrary to what a of of people may think about Ducati. this bike has been one of the most reliable bikes I have ever owned. It has never stranded me and never refused to start and run strongly. The touring saddle bags are included with the bike. Maintenance information is listed on the same photo as the extra equipment that is included with the bike. Other than normal wear and tear there is one flaw on the bike. There is a small crack on the right side fairing (it has been photographed). The crack has been repaired on the back side of the fairing to prevent it from continuing. It could easily be repaired on the side that shows.