this bike is in excellent condition. the miles are 24987 . the paint is dark blue almost purple and all factory with no blemishes anywhere. the chrome is excellent with no pitting. the leather seats are perfect with no tears. the bags are in good shape and the leather is not worn but hey have lost their shape. meaning they arenot stiff. but all the rinstones and beads are perfect. the bike performs just like a new bike and I will back it 100%. meaning a full refund policy is in effect for any reason just bring it back in the same exact condition you got it. so if the wife says no after you get it home . no problem just return it at YOUR expense. book value is around 10k-12k on these bikes of this vintage. i would like to get somewhere between 8k-9k. please veiw the video https://youtu. be/uM4DKZf_AWM