The bike runs great. starts perfectly. and handles superbly. It has Vince and Hines exhaust and sounds great. It's loaded with options. The tires have approximately 2000 miles on them. The oil has been changed regularly and trans fluid. The battery is new. I have a number of bikes and don't need as many as I have. The sound system is superb. I added the iphone attachment for playing songs. The seat was a special order with extra padding and heated. I also added the Daymaker head light bulb for optimum brightness and they are bright. I have a small air pump stored in the saddle for changing the shock pressure depending on your preference of ride. I changed the brake fluid so its fresh. It has all the CB and associated extras that come standard on the CVO models. It has a CVO custom cloth cover designed just for this bike. I am riding it some. not a lot but the miles could be slightly higher. Please note that my EBay record is 100% after 1230 transactions. Feel good buying this bike. its a great bike.