I purchased this bike new in 2009. It's never been in a accident and start's every time. Only 7208 miles on this great motorcycle. No dent's or dings. No mechanical issues. There are $7000. 00 worth of tasteful upgrades. Winning bidder will get the original exhaust. intake. timing cover. Also comes with three additional seats and back rest and sissy bar and pack. owners manual. parts catalog. service manual. two saddle bags with hidden quick release ect ect. Too much to list. not interested in trades. This bike is available in Chicopee. MA for viewing and pick up. Starts great every time. fuel injected and battery was trickle charged over winter. msrp was $16. 99. plus $7000. = $$$ worth of parts not including installation from various shops since 2009. Pictures were just taken. Buyer responsible for pick up. In the pictures I mixed up a few different combinations of stuff that comes with the bike. Winning bidder will not be disappointed!!! Low reserve.