I am the second owner of this bike. I purchased it from "Eagle Rider" . a dealer/rental shop in San Francisco. The miles are 80% highway. The motor is perfectly broken in. All stock and a new battery. it needs nothing mechanical. It has a factory alarm system. Included is a very slick quick release windshield that is a must for the highway. at least for me. I also Have several Harley Brand helmets. one full face never used. as well as a sweet insulated nylon Harley jacket that may be available. I have never stored her outside. and I was told that the previous owner was the same. A buyer can pick it up. or have it shipped. Also. cashiers check or cash is preferable to pay pal for me. To answer your question. I'm really in no hurry to sell. I love the bike. I just don't ride it enough. I have always been a dual sport fan. and I will most likely buy something in that vein if I sell the hog. Last Blue book I saw on this was 11. 75.