This bike sat for over 30 years in the Tucson area. I spent 6 months restoring it. The motor was shipped to Lancaster Aermacchi. and a new cylinder & piston were installed. The motor starts and runs great. The electric starter was replaced with rebuilt one ($500) from a '74 model. which is much more reliable. The tank was professionally painted and 350SX tank decals were used. I wanted to make it more old style. so all the directional signals were removed. and the horribly ugly stock tail light was replaced with a 60's Triumph replica. The original tach and speedo were wrecked. so I replaced them with the speedo and bracket from the SX model. The speedo on it now shows 8022 miles but that is not original. I will include a picture of the original speedo for reference. I got it with the wrong ignition switch and had to buy a rebuilt one with two keys. $200). Some of the frame parts were painted. but I did not intend to make a show bike out of it. The bike is sharp looking. and got a lot of favorable comments from the Harley guys. when I rode it up to Bike Week in Scottsdale. I am getting a knee replacement May 5. and need to sell it. I do NOT have the original tail light or signals. Feel free to contact me with any questions.