Let me say. I love this bike. but i'm moving up to a bigger tour bike. I think I'm the third owner. I do have a small loan still on the bike. but title is on premises. of the bank . no issue getting it. Lets go over what it has. Nice Kuryakyn‎ mirrors with skull hands and grips. over 100 led lights through out the bike. (orange and white) with remote and 4 different settings. tire on back was new last year. also brakes and rust removed on inside of rear rim. I don't know a lot about bikes . so I will try to answer any questions. I will not ship. I will not release bike until full payment. This bike turns heads and has a very rear color. Thanks for looking and good luck. I reserve the right to sell off of ebay. Auction may end early if I sell on my own. Will send more pics upon request . I DROPPED THE PRICE. Sorry I'm having major problems with picsmessage me so i can e-mail them to youKELLY BLUE BOOK $8. 75