This is a nice bike that I wanted for years. However. once I bought it I decided I wanted something lighter and cheaper. This bike has less than 500 miles on it and sounds great with the rush pipes on it. I also have the original pipes if the buyer wants to make it factory quiet again. This bike has the 103cc engine and this was the last year that the bike was offered with the better profile. The new models look like someone kicked it in the butt :)This bike also has the 6 speed transmission and great gas mileage. It gets about 180 miles per tank. This model has more information available in the lcd display than the older models. It has clock feature. rpms. gear. odo. and trip. I might be willing to do a partial trade for a Honda nc700 with DCTI have this listed on craigslist and cycle trader. If it sells there I will remove this listing