I bought this bike two years ago from the original owner and it had less than 2000 miles then. My only reason for selling is that I just don't use it enough to keep it. The bike runs great. has never had any damage and is still the way it came off of the show floor. The original owner had the baffles pulled and the carb re-jetted before it left the dealership. The model designation is FXDX. It is the "Sport" version of Super Glide which was in the Harley lineup for only 3 or 4 years. I believe. Everything black. cartridge style forks. adjustable shocks in the rear. dual front disc brakes. This was originally marketed as a full size Harley that goes around corners. Factory original paint looks great. one tiny little chip on the front fender. Includes removable windshield. backrest and bags. All three are genuine HD accessories.