This is a good running bike with no known issues. Reason for sale: I got old an simply lost interest in riding. I've had this bike 20 years and it's had through maintainence, pkeep, nd repairs. It's been to Sturgis 5x, x with wife as passenger...(tells how much I trust this bike, nd, t was ridden not trailered). Sad to see it go, ut life changes. Been in my garage for a year, asically unridden, o selling it on the cheap side. Some extra parts go with it. Had a lot of compliments on it at gas stations! Payment: your personal check and when it clears I will mail you the title. Shipping: buyer can pick it up in person and if not satisfied with the bike at pick up, WILL REFUND all the money. Or, uyer can arrange his/her own shipping without the refund feature.