This bike has been stored for the last 14 years. HD of Savannah has gone thru this bike with a fine tooth comb.. New gas lines, njectors and plugs. Brake lines have been flushed. Spent $1600 making this bike perfect..It runs great and looks even better. I have the invoice for all the work done. there is a small clearcoat issue on the gas tank.. see pic. there is some pitting in the chrome but not noticeable in less your looking for it.. it ison the rocker boxes.This is the perfect upgrade to a fantastic bike for a small investment.The following is a list of upgrades on this bike.. Chrome front forks, hrome switch housings, pgraded grips, nbsp;chrome voltage regulator cover, oot pegs with matching passenger pegs, assenger backrest with luggage rack. Windshield with pouch.