This bike, purchased with another HD SX125. Two sister owned these bikes. They both got one bike for graduation gifts from their parents. This is a SXT125 hard to find this bike. I have rode this bike. I rode it about 3 weeks ago. What happened is that I went to replace the foot shift lever with a NOS lever and the shifter came loose or disengaged from the transmission. Took it to the local HD dealer and was told the motor needs to be cracked open in order to engage the shifter. Iopenedthe motor and everything is super clean and looks brand new, owever, do not feel comfortable in going anyfurtherwithopeningthe motor. It will or would be an easy fix for someoneknowledgeable with this motor, am not capable. It shows only 261 miles on the odometer, nd I believe it to be true. She told me she did not ride it very much at all. Like I said, rode this and it was great, ntilabout3 weeks ago.I know it sounds like it is a mess, ut I truly believe with a little know how, his could be a gem to own. Any questions, lease ask. Thanks