I bought this bike earlier this yearand I'm simply not riding it enough to justify the garage space. I've only put gas in it once or twice! I have two other bikes that are old friends and I always end up riding them instead. The bike has been well cared for and isin excellent original condition. It's not been repainted and I don't believe it's ever been dropped. The previous (and I think original) owner is a commercial pilot in Wisconsin, astidious about maintenance and care. He stored it covered in a heated hangar, nd it's not seen rain or been left uncovered since I've had it. There is a nickel sized lesion on the gas tank as shown in the pix, part from that it looks almost likenew, xcepting a few rub marks on the chrome from normal use.There's no significant 'wear and tear'.No rust anywhere. It starts, uns, nd stops fine; there are no mechanical, lectrical, r maintenance issues I'm aware of. No leaks. It did have slash pipes on it when I got it and these were replaced by the factory system as my wife didn't care for the noise. I don't have the slash pipes anymore. The windshield is easy to take on and off, o tools required, nd thelexanis in good shape. Tires are like new. I have a HD logo'd cover that goes with.Usual eBay rules apply for bidding and completion. I'll help with getting it loaded but shipping must be arranged by the buyer or you can ride it home as is.