I have owned this bike for 6 years. I bought it when it had 3. 00 miles. The person I bought it from was a collector who rarely rode it. It now has 13. xx miles. I change the engine/primary oil 2 times per year with Amsoil full synthetic and use Harley filters. This is a beautiful bike. I am only selling it because I have too many motorcycles. This bike is showroom condition. Low ball offers will not be entertained. this bike is worth every penny. This is one of the cleanest Sportsters around. It is completely stock except for the Screamin Eagle air cleaner and DynoJet kit. It has drag pipes (were on the bike when I bought it). they look and sound amazing. This bike has lots of tasteful chrome. It runs and shifts perfectly. Always taken care of and properly maintained. Expensive Gel-Cell battery. Newer Dunlop tires. This bike will make someone very happy. Looks. sounds. handles great. Located in Michigan. Will not ship. buyer must pick-up. I must receive payment within 72 hours of sale. No warranties. selling as-is.