This bike was built winter of 2014-15. All work was hand made one off custom. motor work was done fall of 2014. This bike has hand built 15" apes handle bars with internal wiring,hand built exhaust with heat wrapping.You name it, t was hand made. Paint was done by murray automotive, eoria ill. black and candy gold with metal flake. pinstriped by Brad Grimm.Bike has chrome 21" front wheel. I built this bike to ride not trailer around to shows. rear bags have scuffs on bottom towards the back from dragging the ground but not too bad. Hasa couple rock chips on fairing, ear fender has two very slight cracks in paint but you have to get real close to even notice. Head light is stock but turn signals front and back are led. Custom seat was from the stock heritage and shaved down. Backrest is welded into rear fender. Rear fender was stretched 13" and liscence plate bucket was welded in. You will have to cut down your plates to fit. Bike also has 2"lowering kit inrear [ la chopper] front has 2" progressive lowering kit. Custom stereo does not work. 72000 miles. 20k on rebuild, UNS GREAT!!!! REAL HEAD TURNER!!!!