1986 Harley FXRS Liberty edition.This bike has been in the family since brand new, ank has 2 small dents on the left side that have been there since 1986,clear coat on fenders is worn a little from bags and tool pouch. The bike was completely redone in 2001 has had 10,000 miles on it since. Has sat other than a yearly 10 to 20 mile ride to keep things running since 2005, ere is a list of work that was done in 2001. New rear tire, ear rim - center was milled smooth,rim chromed complete, epera solo seat, illet midglide front end, illet triple trees with 3 degree rake, rag bars, ew clutch and throttle cables, illet mirrors, 1 in. RC comp billet front rim and tire, arrow front fender, ew brakes front & rea, M billet forward controls. Motor: 1340 cu, rank turned.010 under, ylinders bored .010 over, ndrews EV 27 cam, ims lifters, ndrews adjustable pushrods, ikuni HSR 42 mm carb, &N air cleaner, creaming Eagle ignition module, rankvent, hunderheader, i torque starter, ftermarket performance clutch (can't recall brand), eads have been milled & ported, anley valves and springs, imkin bearings were used on crank. This bike dynoed at 92hp. Needless to say this bike runs extremely strong, he combination of motor work, xr trans, nd rear sprocket (stock) just works great! I've had this bike 125mph and it gets there fast, sed to kill the twin cams when they came out.Bike is in A-1 mechnical condition, ave all stock parts: handlebars, im-tire, orks, ront fender and a Saddleman seat.