I'm the 2nd owner of this bike. I bought it from my future father-in-law who bought the bike new in 2002. He was 58 at the time he bought the bike and didn't have a lot of friends close to ride with. When he did ride he trailered the bike, ode, hen trailered the bike home. That's the account for the VERY low mileage. It has Vance and Hines ground thumpers and the mirrors and derby cover are Live To Ride / Ride To Live Chrome w/Golden Eagle. Other than that, he bike is completely original w/7816 actual miles. The rear back rest is a quick release for a sportier look. He laid it down at the gas pump which put two small, nnoticeable, ents in the fuel tins. 7800 miles on this 2002 makes it a steal at $9000.00. Anyone who appreciates the Harley craftsmanship would agree with that. Included in the sale is a Harley Davidson black and orange cover, battery tender, nd a T-bag that attaches to the rear back rest. I also have a Harley helmet that I'll include if it fits the buyer. You won't regret buying this bike. Just as I didn't. if the bike doesn't sell. I wont regret keeping it and adding an additional.