This Trike is all but showroom fresh. It has less than 2k miles. It has every piece of chromed 'bling' that H-D made for this model in 2013. The exhaust system is a Reinhardt upgrade. There is an added gear indicator. The reverse option was installed. Upgraded knee shields and highway pegs added. A top of the line communication system from helmet to helmet is included. The communications system has never been installed in any helmet. A night dust cover is included. The radio/stereo system also has the Citizens Band Radio. The seat is a H-D upgrade with a driver's backrest. Heat shields were added where appropriate. The vehicle horn is an upgrade. There is a ABS braking system. A H-D Power Commander is installed and tuned. I'm sure that I am missing several important upgrades. This Trike was broken in and then Mobile One synthetic oil installed. Come to the Las Vegas area and ride home on a all-but new trike. No helmets are required in Nevada for Trike riders. The laws might differ in other states. I will deliver this Trike using my enclosed motorcycle trailer to California. Utah. Arizona and Oregon States for a negotiated fee.