2008 Harley Davidson streetglide;This bike was built for one of my customers who wanted a killer show piece he could ride daily. he rides this bike all the time with no issues. they rode 2400 miles while at Sturgis last year and clean it up for the show and be an attention getter. Bike is ridden 2 up all the time. so don't feel like your wife is left out. she will like to show the bike off as much as guys do. built by Beene's baggers. 26" rc components front and rear matching wheels. dual disk matching rotors. chrome front end with yafterburner bells. nbsp;steel tight wrap fender. raked chrome headlight bezel. kst chrome plated bars. rocford fosgate stereo. custom chrome speaker grills. steel stretched tank. low profile dash. James Carter custom seat and back rest on razor pack. built 103" motor. all yaffe billet (floorboards. hwy pegs. rear passenger pegs. bag latches). Milwaukee bagger stretched bags. BB steel stretched rear fender with 4 Yaffe taillights. Covingtons "destroyer" eshaust. etc. etc. im sure im missing some things this is what I can think of off top of my head. bike is located in Eldorado Arkansas. and buyer is responsible for pick up