First let me start off by saying that this bike is not for the beginner. just cause it's a 883 doesn't mean anything. This bike has been rebuilt and punched out and stroked to a 1250cc and has been dyno at Harley with 110hp at the rear wheel and the bike only weighs around 500 lbs. so it's a handful to ride. All the work has been done at the Harley high performance shop in Tennessee. The engine has compression releases and has 557 cams and 2-into-1 D&D exhaust. only the best stuff on this bike and yes it goes dang fast. The engine work was a little $4000 total and was done a little over 1000 miles ago so the engine has been broke in already and it's ready to rock-n-roll. No warranty on this bike and is sold as is where is. I still owe money on it to Harley so I'm selling it to pay it off and understand that if you buy this bike I will have to pay Harley off first and they will send you the title to the bike at your house. I've done this before with a road king I had. t's no big deal. I sold a bike to a dealer in crystal spring chopper shop and it went off without a problem. All I had to do was call Harley and tell them what I was doing and the name of the person I sold it too and their address and they sent it to them. Also please ask all questions and yes when you buy it you can ride it home but just remember that this is a in town bar hopper type built bike and doesn't like the highway speeds but will ride out at 70mph but running around 5000 rpm's. Also has a nice digital speedo with built-in rev-limiter and is set at 5500 rpm's at the time. Also look over the pictures and bid like crazy!!!! This is not a trailer queen. nbsp; this bike has been ridden all over Florida and does have some scratches on it so don't think it's a garage/trailer queen cause my son and I ride bikes we don't have them for show and tell. We're selling this one to get my son a bigger bike and have to much money in it to trade it too the dealer who wont give us crap for trade-in. Note to new buyer: after I receive payment for the bike I would need your full name and address cause I will have to pay off the bike with Harley financing before I can get the title to the bike for you. I've sold a bike like this before. When I get full payment I call Harley financing and tell them i'm paying off the bike and give them your name and address and they will send you the title directly to your house after you pick the bike up or I will hold the bike for you until you get the title and then you can come get it. how ever you want to do this. Also note if wanted I can have a custom paint job added to the bike for you for $500. it would be a black pearl type with small metal flake in it before you come pick it up let me know and give me a week to get it painted for you and add the extra money to the coast of the bike to the total of $6000. Also have a set of black 16-inch ape hangers that go with the bike if wanted. We changed them out cause the bike has so much power that when you hit the throttle the bars would move back at you and cause you to slid off the tail of the bike. Remember this bike is fast and not for the beginner and sure isan't for the weekend type. It's a beast of a ride!!!!!